Ever since I was a little girl, I loved movies. My mother was also a "flick chick". I remember her taking me to three movies in one day over a Christmas vacation. My favorite movie was "Swiss Family Robinson" with James McArthur. It was a fantasy come true for a little farm girl who was just use to chickens and pigs. We were living in town when I went to this movie--let me add that I stayed for three showings of it. I just never came home and the family was ready to call the police when I sashayed in the door. I am writing this blog at the requests of neighbors and friends who say they trust my judgement. Since retiring, a whole new experience has opened--MATINEES!!!! The best part is how small the audience is--often I am the only person in the theater.
Friday, I went to Beasts of the Southern Wild. I have too many teacher relatives and friends working in low income schools not to realize how poverty effects children. It is a story of survival. You have to love Hush Puppy, the six year old motherless child. She thinks she has it pretty good even with an abusive father. Then the hurricane hits and the "bathtub" floods. See the movie if you want a real life experience. The acting is superb--especially Hush Puppy.