Monday, September 3, 2012

Love Carrot 3

Now playing at Shirlington (haven't seen it anywhere else).  It is a Russian comedy--who knew they had a sense of humor.  Basic story is a Russian couple (he is a lawyer and she is an museum curator) are cutting a deal for three Faberge' eggs to go on a world wide exhibit.  He has a General for a father and she has the mother from hell.  Grandmazilla is living with them and grandpa comes to visit for two weeks.  Grandmazilla and grandpa can't stand each other and fight constantly.  A friend visits and breaks out a bottle of cognac.  All drink.  Grandmazilla and grandpa end up in bed with each other.  Everyone freaks out and during this trauma,  the couple's personalities switch with their respective parents.  The Faberge' Eggs are really part of a bigger scam which includes an unknown Tchaikovsky musical piece.  It was somewhere between vaudeville and the 3 Stooges.  All in all it was entertaining and I found myself laughing at the antics.  Nobody you have ever heard of starred in this movie.

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